FMCSA Safer System Company Snapshot  - CDL (2024)

TheFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) created the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) system. SAFER is a database of all companies that have a USDOT, MC/MX PIN.

Often called the USDOT snapshot, the platform offers a company profile that provides insights into the company’s safety information for managers, drivers and logistic companies.

What is SAFER Company Snapshot?

SaferSys allows you to have a clear snapshot of a company, with the following sections available:

  • ID/Operations
  • Inspections/Crashes in the US
  • Inspections/Crashes in Canada
  • Safety Rating

We’re going to provide you with an in-depth overview of the platform by dissecting the data that’s available for Schneider National Carriers INC. You can view the same information that we’ll be covering by going to:

The information will pull up the USDOT snapshot for Schneider.

You’ll notice that you can submit form MCS-150 to challenge any of the information found in the database. Additional contact information is also provided. There’s also a date of when the information was last updated, and this date should be the business day before the search was conducted.


First, you’re presented with the ID/Operations information. This section provides a snapshot of the company’s operation, including a variety of information, such as:

  • Entity type
  • Operating status
  • Legal name
  • DBA
  • Address
  • USDOT # / MC/MX/FF #
  • Power units
  • Drivers
  • Total mileage in the past year
  • Operation classification
  • Cargo carried

For the company, we see that the 12,468 drivers logged 990 million miles in 2021. We can also see that they’re an interstate operator that hauls general freight, lumber, building materials, meat, beverages, chemicals, refrigerated foods, paper products and other goods, such as fresh produce.

Next, we move into the inspection and crash information for the company’s United States operations.

Inspections/Crashes in the US

Inspections are presented for a 24-month period prior to the day before the search. For example, if you conducted your search on May 2nd, the information is for the 24-month period ending on May 1st.

We’re able to see that Schneider had:

  • 12,772 total inspections during this time
  • 2 total IEP inspections

You’ll then have a chart of all inspection information, such as:

  • Number of vehicle inspections
  • Number of drivers
  • Number of Hazmat and IEP inspections
  • Out of service information for vehicles, drivers, Hazmat and IEP
  • Percentage of out of service vehicles, drivers, Hazmat vehicles

You’ll also have a snapshot of how the company’s data compares to the national average. For example, we see that the national average percentage of out-of-service vehicles (OOS) is 21.26%, while Schneider maintains an OOS rate of 14.5%.

At the bottom of the report, the database also provides a crash report for the past 24 months, with the company reporting:

  • 19 fatalities
  • 238 injuries
  • 547 tows
  • 804 total crashes

This information will refresh and change over time, but this is the crash information for a 24-month period ending on 5/5/2022.

Next, we move into the inspection and crash information for the company’s Canadian operations.

Inspections/Crashes in Canada

The information under this section is identical to the United States section, but all of the data reflects inspections and crashes in Canada. Since Schneider doesn’t have a massive presence in Canada, the information in this section shows just 23 inspections over the last two years and zero crashes to report.

Safety Rating

Finally, the last section on the list of SAFER information includes the carrier’s safety record. The safety rating isn’t descriptive and only states “Satisfactory,” with the rating and review dates listed.

At the top of the portal, you’ll find a link to SMS information, which is the Safety Measurement System’s information.

The SMS portal provides a snapshot of the company’s number of:

  • Vehicles
  • Drivers
  • Inspections

You’ll also be able to view the OOS versus the national average. If you want to drill this information down further, you can click on the numerous tabs at the top, such as information on:

  • Unsafe driving
  • Crash indicator
  • Hours of service compliance
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Controlled substances and alcohol
  • Hazardous materials compliance (not public)
  • Driver fitness

Clicking on the unsafe driving tab, we can see the total unsafe driving violations along with driver inspections that include unsafe driving violations. Charts help you visualize the carrier measure over time and inspection results.

You can see summaries of all violations and inspection history. If an investigation is necessary, there’s a tab for you to search all of the results reported.

Each section and tab provides you with a wealth of information about violations. For example, you can view all of the maintenance violations, such as one violation mentioning a flat tire with an audible air leak and another with inoperable turn signals. A violation severity weight is also assigned to each violation to make it easier to categorize minor and major violations.

SAFER company snapshot provides you with a true snapshot of a carrier’s operations.

The SaferSys makes it easier for logistic teams and even potential truckers to learn more about risk when hauling or relying on a carrier to deliver goods. With the ability to review national and company averages, it’s easy to understand the carrier’s safety track record.

SAFER Company Safety Profile

SAFER provides the option to order a Company Safety Profile (CSP) for a fee of $20 for each profile. The profile isn’t in real-time and will be sent to the person’s email address within 72 hours after they pay the fee.

You can also call (800) 832-5660 if you want to obtain a CSP.

FMCSA Safer System Company Snapshot  - CDL (2024)


How do I check my dot status? ›

You can determine the status of your USDOT number in these ways:
  1. Online: Go to the SAFER website and search by name, USDOT number or MC number.
  2. Submit a ticket: Visit our website at: ...
  3. Chat: Initiate a live chat with FMCSA Customer Service.
  4. Phone: Call 800-832-5660 to speak to FMCSA Customer Service.
May 20, 2023

How do I check my FMCSA safety score? ›

Motor carrier safety ratings are available at and motor carrier licensing and insurance status are available at

What is a safer web company snapshot? ›

Access is provided free of charge to the Company Snapshot, a concise electronic record of a company's identification, size, commodity information, and safety record, including the safety rating (if any), a roadside out-of-service inspection summary, and crash information.

What is a safer rating? ›

A safety rating is an evaluation of a motor carrier's compliance with the safety fitness standard; the process is described in 49 CFR 385, Appendix B.

How to check if MC is active? ›

To check whether your operating authority has been issued(granted),
  1. Go to the SAFER website.
  2. See bold heading “FMCSA Searches”
  3. Click on “Licensing & Insurance”
  4. Enter MC Number or USDOT Number in the appropriate box and click “search”
  5. Click “HTML”
Jun 11, 2024

Does my DOT number expire? ›

Reasons Why Your DOT Number Might Get Deactivated

If you don't keep up with all the necessary paperwork, it's easy to end up getting deactivated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The most common reason for falling into inactive status is failing to update your information once every two years.

What is a good safety score for a trucking company? ›

Generally, any score that's 50 or over needs to be taken seriously. If you have a score of 65% or higher in Crash Indicator, HOS Compliance, or Unsafe Driving you'll be subject to an FMCSA investigation (this lowers to 50% if you transport passengers or hazardous materials).

How do I lower my DOT safety score? ›

But there are changes you can make which will have a cumulative impact on your score over time and make your company safer and more DOT compliant.
  1. Dispute and challenge violations. ...
  2. Hire drivers with good records. ...
  3. Prioritize pre-trip inspections, and regular maintenance. ...
  4. Monitor FMCSA changes.

What is your safety score? ›

Safety Scores are a value between 0 and 100, where a higher score indicates safer driving. Most drivers are expected to have a Safety Score of 80 or above.

How do I know if my MCS-150 is up to date? ›

How do I determine when the last time my MCS-150 was updated? One easy way is to go to the FMCSA safer website: Enter your DOT # then look at your company snapshot. You will see your “FMCSA Form Date” on the left side of the report.

How do I reactivate my MC number? ›

To reactivate your authority, you will need to request reinstatement of the motor carrier operating authority (to become active). However, there are cases in which you may not request a reinstatement; therefore, you must re-apply for operating authority using an OP-1 application and pay the application fee again.

What is safer fmcsa dot gov? ›

The FMCSA Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) System offers company safety data and related services to industry and the public over the Internet.

How do you check your dot score? ›

You can get yours or another company's safety rating by going first to the SAFER Website: then under “FMCSA Searches” pick “Company Snapshot”.

How do I check my dot safety rating? ›

Your DOT safety rating is available to you — and the general public — at FMCSA's SAFER website. Since anyone can look at your safety record, a poor safety rating may affect your insurance rates and hurt your company's reputation, hinder your driver recruiting efforts and result in a loss of customers.

What is a Class 350 safe rating? ›

Class 350 (1/2 hour – 4 hours):

This is the most common class of devices and is suitable for storing most types of material. This includes paper products, jewellery, and guns. Fire Endurance Test – Maintains internal temperature of no more than 350°F during heating and cooling periods.

How long does it take to receive dot? ›

Submitting a USDOT number application by mail will take 4-6 weeks, but online registration is processed right away.

How do you know if something is DOT approved? ›

On regulated items, the manufacturer places a "DOT" logo on it to state that it meets all of the regulations set forth by the DOT. This is simply the manufacturer claiming that it meets the DOT standard.

How long until DOT is active? ›

We will be able to get you your USDOT Number and MC Number on the same day you apply, but it takes a minimum of 21 days for your Motor Carrier Authority to become active. That will give you time to get insurance, complete all the drug and alcohol requirements, and any other registration requirements you may have.

How to check biennial update? ›

The FMCSA has created an easy way to know when your biennial update is due. To know when to submit your biennial update, look at the last two digits of your USDOT number. If the second to last digit is even, then the update is due every even calendar year (2024, 2026, etc.)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.